装修效果图 【Phenol mansion】装修效果案例赏析

Phenol mansion

头像 班帝尼设计
户型: 二居 风格: 北欧风 面积: 98m² 装修方式:全部 造价:15万


每个平凡人的背后,都有一个不平凡的故事。 —《平凡的世界》路遥 其实,家亦是如此,每一个平凡的空间背后,都 有一个不平凡的故事。 Behind every ordinary person, there is an extraordinary story. -- lu yao, ordinary world Actually, the home also is such, every ordinary space backside, all There is an extraordinary story.



灵感聚集地 Inspiration gathering place

背上行囊出发,耳闻万千故事.邂逅有趣的灵魂,陶醉于沿途风景。流转的旅途时光,成为生命中美好的点缀。仰望天空,不只有蓝天白云,更有浩瀚星辰。旅途中所有的美好,皆幻化为业主生命中最珍贵的瞬间及回忆。我们的业主,热爱生活、热爱旅行、热爱运动。初次跟业主沟通的时候,我们就感受到他们对于家、对于美、对于生活的极致追求。 Pack your bags and go. Encounter interesting souls and revel in the scenery. The flow of the journey time, become a good ornament in life. Looking up at the sky, not only the blue sky and white clouds, but also the vast expanse of stars. All the good things in the journey are transformed into the most precious moments and memories in the owner's life. Our clients love life, travel and sports. When communicating with the owners for the first time, we felt their extreme pursuit of home, beauty and life.

时光放慢脚步 茶几上的花,轻轻的摇曳着 棉麻沙发的舒服质感 在生活的细微处辽阔展开 Time slows down The flower on tea table, gently swaying The comfortable texture of cotton and linen sofa The vast stretches out in the minutiae of life

每日畅快之事躺下睡觉刷手机 或者在梦里编织一个快意人生 Daily joy lie down to sleep and use mobile phone Or dream of a happy life

整个空间一眼看过去,有很多线条在里面,用线条与金属质感的软装点缀空间,给予空间品质加上沙发的柔软布艺材质,又丰富了空间的柔美性,材质与颜色的完美融合使空间散发静谧与优雅的气息。 Whole space one sees the past, have a lot of lines inside, the soft outfit ornament space with line and metallic simple sense, the soft cloth that gives a space character to add sofa is qualitative qualitative, abriched the soft beauty of the space again, the perfect confluence of material and color makes the space sends out quiet with elegant breath.



酲酒的柠檬静静地陲在红酒杯旁, 耳边似乎仍回响着昨夜饭局的喧嚣, 抚平书页卷起的书角, 抹开了一个慵懒的周未。 Q lemons lying quietly beside the red wine glass, The noise of last night's dinner still seemed to ring in my ears, Smoothing the corner of a book where the pages are turned, Wiped out a lazy weekend.



床头背景选用了橄榄绿的墙纸 与木质烤漆的床头柜做搭配 丰富了颜色和材质层次 麻灰色的床头、水晶球吊灯点缀了北欧元素 黑白抽象主题的地毯更有小资氛围 The bed head background chose the olive green wallpaper Do collocation with the ark of the head of a bed that woodiness bakes lacquer Enriched the color and texture levels The head of a bed of hemp gray, crystal ball droplight adorned boreal Europe element The carpet of black and white abstract theme has petty bourgeois atmosphere more





二居 20万 北欧风


二居 16万 北欧风


二居 7万 北欧风


二居 12万 北欧风


二居 18万 北欧风


二居 14万 北欧风


二居 16万 北欧风


二居 12万 北欧风