装修效果图 【Life house_居家版】装修效果案例赏析

Life house_居家版

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户型: 三居 风格: 北欧风 面积: 110m² 装修方式:全部 造价:15万


什么是最好的人生, 就像每一天地平线都要和落日亲吻一样, 每一天都有人温暖的陪在身边或心里, 和你一起面对生活摩擦, 在平淡中做你的惊喜, 陪伴就像旅人和星星, 你不必一直见到他, 但你知道他在哪里, 谢谢有你...... 世界才不是寂寞荒野, 而是四季流转的花园。 What is the best life? As the horizon kisses the setting sun every day, Every day someone warm accompany in the side or heart, Face the friction of life with you, Do your surprise in the plain, Company is like travelers and stars, You don't have to see him all the time, But you know where he is, Thank you for... The world is not a lonely wilderness, It is the garden of the seasons.



业主说:从一座房子到一个家,要走过多远的距离,时间会告诉你答案,就像当年你爱上了一个姑娘,欢喜到生命重新发芽,然后忐忑、惊喜、奋斗、甜蜜。一直喜欢木质的一切,历经岁月、不动声色,却配得起这世上所有的质朴预于繁华。可惜,繁华生而与我无关。那么,木头数块、白墙一堵,想来和我,是刚刚好的存在。 Owner said: from a house to a home, to walk more than a long distance, time will tell you the answer, just like when you fell in love with a girl, joy to life germination, then uneasy, surprise, struggle, sweet. All the time like wood, after years, quietly, but worthy of the world all the simple pre-prosperous. Unfortunately, bustling life and I have nothing to do. So, a few pieces of wood, a white wall, and I want to come, is just good existence.

人到中年,最好的设计早已不是椅子应该放在这里,花瓶应该放在那里。而是还原生活状态的本身,譬如你隧道后拿起一本书的时候,边上刚好那个放得下一杯茶,你累的不想动的时候,抬脚就能隔上一把凳。 In middle age, the best design is not the chair but the vase. But restore the state of life itself, such as you pick up a book after the tunnel, the edge just enough to put a cup of tea, you tired don't want to move, lift feet can be separated by a stool.

久违露面的阳光明媚得令人愉悦,妻子在厨房忙碌午饭,儿女不顾形象地在地上滚作一团,那些充满自然气息与烟火味七夕的画面,成为了家中最好的点缀。 The sunshine that long absence makes a person cheerful, the wife is busy in the kitchen lunch, the son and daughter disregarded figure ground to roll to make a group on the ground, those are full of natural breath and the picture of fireworks flavour Tanabata, became the best ornament in the home.



生活不过就是这样寻常的模样, 风景不过就是你眼中的生活, 你想未来,家里会越来越满吧, 可是,那又有什么关系呢, 日子那么漫长, 时间会沉淀出家的味道。 Life is just so ordinary, The scenery is just the life in your eyes, You think in the future, your home will be more and more full, But what does it matter, The days are long, Time will precipitate the taste of a monk.









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